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Sober October

Kara Sutherland

During the month of October, some people will choose to refrain from alcohol for 31 days, hence the name 'Sober October'.

The idea of Sober October originated in the United Kingdom as a way to raise money for cancer research. Though it is more of a widespread challenge now, it is still beneficial to your health regardless of how long you abstain from alcohol usage. This is not only a healthy reset for your body, but it is also a good way to re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol and how it could be potentially affecting your day-to-day life.

Health Benefits of Cutting Alcohol (even for 31 days)

Though this is a challenge that is meant to last for 31 days, the benefits of giving your body a detox is still incredibly helpful. Today we are going to break down how each day is going to benefit your body if you were to participate in Sober October.

After One Day: The first day of a new challenge is sometimes the most humbling. If you are a heavy drinker, there are going to be some different symptoms than if you were to be a light or moderate drinker. For a heavy drinker, some symptoms might include:

  • Anxiety, irritability, restlessness

  • Sweating

  • Clammy skin

If you are a light or even a moderate drinker, your symptoms might be more minor, if there are any symptoms at all. Some benefits after one day is:

  • Immune system boost

  • More impulse control

  • Reduced risk of accidental injuries

After One Week: After stopping drinking after one week, you might be able to notice more health benefits than before. Especially during this point, there is going to be a change in the gastrointestinal system. A week into sobriety, your gastrointestinal lining starts to repair itself from the damage that the alcohol may have caused. Some other benefits may be:

  • Reduced feeling of heart burn

  • More energy due to more sleep

After 30 Days: At this point, there are going to be some dramatic changes that have happened within the body after 30 days of no alcohol. This includes but is definitely not limited to:

  • Better insulin resistance

  • Improved blood pressure

  • Reduced cancer risk

These are just some of the physical benefits of abstaining from alcohol for a month. There are many other emotional benefits to doing this as well.

Emotional Benefits

When people are drinking alcohol, there is an addictive agent that makes the brain feel good and forget all the harsh realities of real life. Giving up alcohol for 30 days can help to fix that cycle that people can fall into.

When taking a long enough break from alcohol, it starts to create new neural pathways that allow people to sit with their emotions without masking them with alcohol. This also gives people the time to sit and re-evaluate their personal relationship with alcohol and how it could be affecting them as a person. Some other emotional benefits are:

  • Improved mood: Alcohol is a known depressant drug that brings the moods of the person consuming it down. When removing that drug, your mood tends to improve and there is a more optimistic outlook on life.

  • Focus: It is said that when you are removing alcohol from your daily routine, that your focus tends to be a bit better and you are able to concentrate a little easier.

Ways to Help you get through the Month

When going into a challenge like this, it may feel a little daunting and a little ambitious to start. Here are a few ways that can help keep your mind busy and soon you will forget about the alcohol consumption.

  1. Exercise: Like mentioned before, when there is a break from drinking, your body will have more energy. It is said that exercising such as running, walking, and resistance training can help to

    1. Reduce cravings

    2. Improve blood pressure

    3. Improve skeletal health

    4. Improve self-esteem

  2. Find your support system: Going through a challenge like this is difficult. both physically and emotionally. by surrounding yourself with people who love and support you might make it just a little bit easier. Let them know that this is something that you are starting, and rely on them when times get tough.

  3. Be prepared for social triggers: Even if you are only refraining from drinking for a month, it is still difficult to go to a social setting with alcohol and not drink. When putting yourself in that situation, make sure that you are aware of the potential triggers to make you want to drink. A way to combat the urge to drink with friends is by ordering a mocktail or another special drink that makes you happy (I am partial to the ones with light up cups!)

  4. Remember that you are still able to have fun: A large misconception is that there needs to be alcohol for people to be able to have a good time. This could not be further from the truth. Making new relationships with alcohol (as well as possibly people) will show you that there might not be a need to consume alcohol every time you go out.



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